Since I had already completed the 12 hour The Fix last year, I wanted to attend this event again this year and since it usually only takes place once a year on one continent, I took advantage of the home advantage in Austria and went with the RC4WD Miller Motorsport Rock Racer to the start.

The preparation for me and the car was very challenging. August is the warmest month in this country and we usually have 30 degrees Celsius (86F) and more. The Miller should be as rtr as possible, I only changed the tire Foams.

Due to the outside temperatures and the planned continuous load of over 12 hours, I also installed a 40mm fan on the motor. It was only with this modification that I took on the challenge on August 3rd and started The Fix 12 hour run promptly at 8 a.m. My tactics were clear and the goal was definitely to certify the Miller over the 12 hours and at least 21 laps on the marked circuit.

According to Brian Parker, these 21 laps were the minimum number of laps for certification, but in the end I was able to complete 28 laps and over 30 kilometers with the Miller. The Miller had absolutely no problems or damage and would certainly have managed more laps, unfortunately I couldn't.

But the best thing and my absolute highlight is not only the certification of the Miller but also that I was able to win the class and thus became champion in the 5800 Class with the RC4WD Miller Motorsport

I would like to thank you Andrea and John very much for your trust and for allowing me to be part of the RC4WD family. I'm particularly happy when I can contribute something to success and I'm looking forward to the next challenge

best regards
Thomas Bauer
Team Driver - Austria

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